IntelliBI Innovations Technologies

Meanstack Developer

A MEAN stack developer is a software developer whose specialty is in using a certain set of technologies that are called the MEAN stack to create web applications. MEAN is an acronym that signifies MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js.
Learning Format

Online/Offline Mode

Total Training Duration

60 Hrs

Hands-on Project Duration

1 Month



About Course

A MEAN stack developer is a software developer who has the skill of using a specific set of technologies known as the MEAN stack to build web applications. MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, Express which are the tools for building web applications. js, Angular, and Node. js. These technologies, in turn, make a full stack JavaScript framework for the development of modern, scalable and efficient web applications. MEAN stack development enables the developers to use the single language (JavaScript) all over the web application stack thus; the developers are going to have the same environment and this way they are going to be more productive. Besides it, it also has a stable architecture and a toolset, thus, the building and maintenance of applications becomes easier. MEAN stack developers are familiar with JavaScript, web development concepts and the technologies that make up the MEAN stack. Hence, they are able to create applications that are robust and scalable.

Duration of Training  :  60 hrs

Batch type  :  Weekdays/Weekends

Mode of Training  :  Classroom/Online/Corporate Training

Hands on Project minimum 1 month duration.

MEAN Stack  Training & Certification in Pune

Highly Experienced Certified Trainer with 10+ yrs Exp. in Industry

Realtime Projects, Scenarios & Assignments

This Full Stack MEAN Developer program provides complete knowledge of software development and testing technologies such as JavaScript, Node.js, Angular, Mongo DB. You’ll build an end-to-end application, test and deploy code, and store data using MongoDB.



  • Node.js Background
  • Getting Node.js
  • Demo: Installing Node on Linux/Windows with NVM
  • Node’s Event
  • Loop
  • Node Conventions for Writing Asychronous Code
  • Modules, require() and NPM
  • Introduction, Accessing Built-in Modules
  • Finding 3rd Party Modules via NPM


  • Introduction
  • Setting up Express
  • Running Express
  • Debugging Options
  • Static Files – Public Directory
  • Introduction, Making Web Requests in Node
  • Building a Web Server in Node
  • Demo: Building a Web Server in Node


  • Introduction
  • Navigation
  • Routing
  • Rendering
  • Separate Files
  • Router
  • Functions


  • Introduction to Authentication
  • Auth Routes
  • Passport
  • Local Strategy

Events and Streams

  • Introduction
  • Events and the EventEmitter class
  • Readable and Writable Streams, the Pipe function
  • Demo: Readable and Writable Streams
  • Demo: Piping Between Streams

Accessing the Local System

  • The Process Object
  • Demo: The Process object
  • Interacting with the File System
  • Demo: Interacting with the File System
  • What is a Buffer?
    The OS Module


  • Realtime Interaction with Socket.IO
  • Demo: Socket.IO

Testing and Debugging

  • Introduction, The Assert Module
  • Demo: The Assert Module
  • Testing with Mocha and Should.js
  • Demo: Mocha and Should.js

Scaling Your Node Application

  • Introduction, The Child Process Module
  • Demo: The “exec” function
  • Demo: The “spawn” function
  • Demo: The “fork” function
  • Scaling with Node’s Cluster Module
  • Demo: Building a Clustered Web Server


  • Downloading
  • Package Content
  • First Run
  • Command Line
  • Options
  • Verify Server
  • Getting Help in the Shell

Saving Data

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Storage
  • BSON
  • Saving Documents
  • Collections
  • Document Id
  • ObjectId
  • Insert
  • Insert with Id
  • Complex Document
  • Save Danger
  • Update Command
  • Update Demo
    Set Operator
  • Unset Operator
  • Rename Operator
  • Push Operator
  • Pull Operator
  • Pop Operator
  • Array Type
  • Multi Update
  • Find And Modify
    Query With Sort

Finding Documents

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • find()
  • Equality
  • Projection
  • Comparison
  • $not
  • $in
  • Arrays
  • $all
  • $nin
  • Dot Notation
  • Sub-Document
  • null and $exists
  • And
  • Cursor
  • sort()
  • limit()
  • skip()
  • findOne()

Deleting Document

  • remove
  • deleteOne
  • deleteMany


  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Scan Is Bad
  • Index Theory
  • Sort Uses
  • Index
  • Index Types
  • Create Index
  • system.indexes
  • collection
  • explain()
  • dropIndex()
  • Index Name

Getting Started with Angular

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to TypeScript
  • Comparing Angular to AngularJS
  • A Conceptual Overview of Angular
  • Getting Started with the Angular CLI
  • Bootstrapping an Angular App
  • A Brief Look at the App Module
  • Accessing Static Files

Creating and Communicating Between Angular Components

  • Introduction
  • Creating Your First Data-bound
  • Component
  • Using External
  • Templates
  • Communicating with Child Components Using @Input
  • Communicating with Parent Components Using @Output
  • Using Template Variables to Interact with Child Components
  • Styling Components
  • Exploring Angular’s CSS Encapsulation
  • Adding a Site Header

Exploring the Angular Template Syntax

  • Introduction
  • Interpolation, Property Bindings, and Expressions
  • Event Bindings and Statements
  • Repeating Data with ngFor
  • Handling Null Values with the Safe-Navigation Operator
  • Hiding and Showing Content with ngIf
  • Hiding Content with the [Hidden] Binding
  • Hiding and Showing Content with ngSwitch
  • Styling Components with ngClass
  • Styling Components with ngStyle

Creating Reusable Angular Services

  • Introduction
  • Why We Need Services and Dependency Injection
  • Creating Your First Service
  • Wrapping Third Party Services

Routing and Navigating Pages

  • Introduction
  • Adding Multiple Pages to Your App
  • Adding Your First Route
  • Accessing Route Parameters
  • Linking to Routes
  • Navigating from Code
  • Guarding Against Route Activation
  • Guarding Against Route De-activation
  • Pre-loading Data for Components
  • Styling Active Links

Collecting Data with Angular Forms and Validation

  • Introduction
  • Using Models for Type Safety
  • Creating Your First Template-based Form
  • Using the Data from Your Template-based Form
  • Validating Template-based Forms
  • Creating Your First Reactive Form
  • Validating Reactive Forms
  • Using Multiple Validators in Reactive Forms
  • Diving Deeper into Template-based Forms
  • Editing Data with Two-way Bindings
  • Diving Deeper into Reactive Forms
  • Creating Custom Validators

Communicating Between Components

  • Introduction
  • Passing Data into a Child Component
  • Passing Data out of a Child Component

Reusing Components with Content Projection

  • Introduction
  • Content Projection
  • Multiple Slot Content Projection

Displaying Data with Pipes

  • Introduction
  • Using Built-in Pipes
  • Creating a Custom Pipe
  • Sorting and Filtering Overview
  • Creating a Filtering Display
  • Filtering Data
  • Sorting Data

Understanding Angular’s Dependency Injection

  • Introduction
  • Using Third Party Global Services
  • Angular Dependency Injection Lookup
  • Using Angular’s InjectionToken
  • Using Angular’s @Inject Decorator
  • The useClass Provider
  • The useExisting and useFactory Providers

Creating Directives and Advanced Components in Angular

  • Introduction
  • Implementing the Session Search
  • Adding jQuery
  • Creating a Modal Component
  • Fixing Template Parse Errors
  • Creating Directives
  • Binding an ID
  • Routing to the Same Component
  • Using the @ViewChild Decorator
  • Creating Settings on Components

Communicating with the Server Using HTTP, Observables

  • Introduction
  • Preparing to Store Data on the Server
  • Moving Data Storage to the Server
  • Listening to Resolved Data Changes
  • Using POST and PUT
  • Using QueryString Parameters
  • Using DELETE
  • Integrating Authentication with the Server
  • Persisting Authentication Status Across Page Refreshes
  • Saving User Data to the Server
  • Implementing Logout

Unit Testing Your Angular Code

  • Introduction
  • Installing Karma6m 16s
  • Unit Testing Services8m 16s
  • Testing Mock Calls5m 44s
  • Testing Components with Isolated Tests

Testing Angular Components with Integrated Tests

  • Introduction
  • Setting up for Integrated Tests
  • Testing Components with Deep Integrated Tests
  • Creating Mock Services
  • Using DebugElement
  • Testing Components with Shallow Integrated Tests

Taking an Angular App to Production

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Installing TSLint in VSCode
  • Using TSLint with VSCode
  • Linting from the Command Line
  • Going to Production – Overview
  • Creating your First Build
  • Basic Deployment
  • Build Flags
  • The Effects of Prod Mode
  • Optimistic Bundle Downloading

Which companies use mean stack?

53 companies reportedly use MEAN in their tech stacks, including Accenture, Fiverr, and UNIQLO.

  • Accenture.
  • Fiverr.
  • Sisense.
  • AngularClass.
  • Tajawal.
  • Vungle.
  • more..

Advantages of MEAN stack development technology

MEAN facilitates easy isomorphic coding

MEAN stack makes the transfer of code written in one framework to another easy.

Nowadays, MEAN stack development companies are exploring new technologies to bring out perfection in the development of applications and websites.

High flexibility

After the completion of app development, the developer can easily test the application on a cloud platform. MEAN stack is highly flexible as you can 1. Develop, 2. Test, and 3. Introduce the application without any hassles. Moreover, it also allows you to add extra information once you have added a field to the form. MongoDB provides full cluster support along with automatic replication.


In MEAN stack the requirement of total number of developers is less

Our Courses

IntelliBI Innovations is a trusted training center in administrative and software development courses from past 7+ years. IntelliBi offers strategic preparing ways for the certification abilities to upgrade yourself in a better way. Your success is our aim. We center around offering you the best classrooms/ virtual experience alongside the best client assistance. our certification from our technology partners also extends to our facilities. Our devotion to your prosperity is reflected in our agreeable staff, eager teachers and dynamic homeroom setting and hardware.

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