IntelliBI Innovations Technologies

Email Marketing | Digital Marketing Courses in Pune

Discover the force of email marketing along with other useful courses that we have specially bring forth to help you upgrade your email marketing skills practice. Gained proficiency in writing content that captivates, building mailing lists, conversion rate optimization (CRO), and analytics (analytics) to achieve the best possible results.
Learning Format

Online/Offline Mode

Total Training Duration

40 Hrs

Hands-on Project Duration

1 Month



An email marketing is a type of digital marketing that is addressing business messages or commercial letters, and it is basically get delivered to a group of people by email. It is one of the best ways for businesses to get in touch with their audience and to run marketing campaigns launched into the internet to attract potential clients, advertise products or services and create friendly relationships which will result in sales. Here are some key aspects and best practices related to email marketing:Here are some key aspects and best practices related to email marketing:

Building an Email List: Building your segmented email list in an ongoing process. It consists of acquiring email addresses from individuals who just might be interested in what we have to offer. Techniques include email list sign-up forms, lead magnets (for instance, eBooks and promotional discounts) and social media promotions, events.

Types of Emails: The numerous kinds of automated emails are used for different marketing of email type, such as newsletters, transaction messages, promotional materials, etc.

Promotional Emails: Markdown sales, discounts or special offers. Listen to the given audio and complete the following sentences.

Transactional Emails: For example, anything that requests the personal data of an individual via a confirmation email, receipt, password reset, etc.

Newsletters: Ensure value in content, recent updates, and what's trending in the industries.

Welcome Emails: Subscribing them to the web newsletter and sending in new subscribers with your brand introduction and offerings.

Educational Emails: Although be emphatic of sharing tips, guides or tutorials as readers are expecting you to.

Personalization: Addressing a subscriber according to his or her preferences, behavior, or other parameter could increase the response rate up to 50 times. The technique of individualization applies names, segments the audience with the relevant content purely for them, or recommends items depending on earlier acquisitions by a user.

Email Design and Content: For best practices in email marketing, emails should be visually attractive, mobile friendly, and easy to understand respectively. CTAs should be persuasive, concise and very compelling; their main objective is to persuade consumers to either make an order, visit the website or simply like the post.

Email Automation: Guess what - automation tools let in scheduling of the sending mails based upon triggers, actions or even predefined workflows. However, it is important to note that automated communication lines may include series welcome, abandoned cart, or even birthday greetings.

Metrics and Analysis: A crucial role played by the metrics for evaluation of the effectiveness of email campaigns is that they track things such as open amount, click thru rate, conversion rates, and so more. It helps to understand specific scenarios when the data makes sense and what needs to be revised.

Compliance and Regulations: An observance on the data laws, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CAN-SPAM Act, is of paramount importance This involves asking for permission in advance before sending promotional emails, enabling opt-out service, and heeding the wishes of privacy of the users.

Testing and Optimization: S/T approach can help you figure out what kind of elements your audience likes the most in the promotional email: the subject lines, call to actions, photos and many other. Having these experiments going on all the time helps to keep the campaign at its best.

Email Deliverability: Maintaining a senders' good reputation with email receivers needs authentication processes such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC, and also prevents spam triggers from your content and methods.

Email marketing is always the best and most reasonable way to deliver businesses' messages to the audience, forming connection with the customers and increasing sales only that by means of a well crafted and ethical approach.

Duration: 40 Hrs

Project: Hands on Project minimum 1 month duration.

Batch type: weekdays or weekends

Mode of Data Science Training: Classroom, Online, or Corporate Training

Trainer: Email Marketing Expert

Email marketing an overview

  • Introduction to Advanced Email Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Email Marketing
  • Email Best Practices and Myths
  • Bulk Email concept
  • Things you can do with Emails

Elements of marketing emails

  • Advantages of the different text formats (HTML
    or Plain Text)
  • Permissions & E-permissions
  • Frequency & Ethics of Newsletters
  • Defining your Goals
  • Email Marketing Strategies

Build your email list

  • Learn ways to build your email list
  • Build your email list through a website
    subscribe form
  • Segmentation
  • Active Users

Measuring your email campaigns

  • Open rates, click-through-rates, unsubscribe
    rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates.
  • A/B Split Testing
  • How to deal with Spam Filter
  • Choosing your metrics
  • Tracking Landing Pages
  • Analyzing Test Results
  • Setting your Budget

IntelliBI Innovations is a trusted training center in administrative and software development courses from past 7+ years. IntelliBi offers strategic preparing ways for the certification abilities to upgrade yourself in a better way. Your success is our aim. We center around offering you the best classrooms/ virtual experience alongside the best client assistance. our certification from our technology partners also extends to our facilities. Our devotion to your prosperity is reflected in our agreeable staff, eager teachers and dynamic homeroom setting and hardware.

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